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Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla, Inventor of the RC Drone

In honor of Nikola Telsa’s 158th Birthday today, here is a little history of The Origins of Radio Control and how Telsa invented the worlds first drone for the US Navy. Republished from a 2007 article I wrote for the the Monmouth Model Airplane Club monthly Newsletter. The Origins of Radio Control Today it is easy to pick up […]

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ShapeOko  at FUBAR

Going Out of the Comfort Zone – ShapeOko Build Night

Our local makerspace, Fubar Labs, received a ShapeOko kit as part of the initiative to equip makerspaces with CNC mill.  I’ve never built anything like this before and was quite intimidated to be honest with you.  Everyone knows so much more than me.  What if I end up superfluous or what if I totally screw up. […]

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The Tesseract Experience

When art and engineering meet, beautiful things happen. One child of such a marriage is The Tesseract Experience. It’s creators describe it as “the world’s first and largest interactive fire cube. A public artwork, commanding one of the most elemental human tools – fire – using computer technologies that demonstrate milestones in creativity and innovation.”   

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Pi Pal Asteroid Blast Origins

Our goal for World Maker Faire 2014 is to have a non-video video game with us:  Pi Pal Asteroid Blast.  Using your laser cannon blast away the asteroids and save Chip as he flies through space on his way to the Maker Faire. (Yes, we know Chip is always in trouble somehow.) We hope the game is […]

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