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Author Archive | Jean C

Minecraft Circuits in Real Life Lesson 7 is now live!

  We are pleased to announce that Lesson 7: Transistor Pushbutton is now posted.  While the video will be posted at a later date, you will have enough necessary instructions to build a simple circuit using a transistor (in this case, a NPN 2222 bipolar transistor). Transistors are handy switches that don’t need a mechanical […]

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Apres Newark Mini Maker Faire…

We had a fun time meeting everyone at New Jersey’s first Maker Faire.  Hope you guys did too! Spring break is over for my kids and we’ve been jumping back into the grind working on new projects as well as revisiting existing ones for further refinement. One of the existing projects is the flower headband.  I […]

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Counting Down to the First Maker Faire in New Jersey

Tomorrow is Maker Faire Newark.  This is the first one ever in New Jersey.  We’re so excited with a bit of an ambitious workshop schedule.  I have to say that I really enjoyed making the display items for our booth. Yesterday, I went wild with a staple gun.  First, I had to buy my own. […]

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Inspirational Web Show

This show isn’t new.  It’s been around since 2010.  Recently posted by A Mighty Girl’s Facebook Page, I discovered became aware of Sylvia’s Super Awesome Maker Show. Our host, Sylvia Todd, now aged 12, walks you through the various projects.  The episodes are short and entertaining.  They cover a whole range of topics from papercrafting to Arduino […]

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3V LED Panel Project: Flower Power

Today, I was in my sweatshop (also known as my workspace) soldering LEDs to the 3V LED panel from the seeed studio kit. I finally had an excuse to abscond with the hubby’s helping hands. At first, I tried to use a second circuit board to hold up all the LEDs but it was a fail. […]

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