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On the Road to Making Chip a Reality: Our Kickstarter Campaign Begins….


Today’s the day!  At 10:05 am, we launched our very first Kickstarter campaign for our Pi Pal soldering kit, Chip.  This kit helps you practice soldering but once the soldering is done, the journey doesn’t end.  We wanted our kits to be multi-taskers and projects that grow with you rather than a one time project.

We’ve been working hard these past few months on making this kit a reality.  For months, we brainstormed about what skills would be covered and how do we develop them without becoming overly complicated. We also wanted to also design the kit so that it was economical for parents and educators.

Stay tuned for more posts about our journey.  In the meantime, take a look at our Kickstarter and spread the word!

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