We had a fun time meeting everyone at New Jersey’s first Maker Faire. Hope you guys did too!
Spring break is over for my kids and we’ve been jumping back into the grind working on new projects as well as revisiting existing ones for further refinement.
One of the existing projects is the flower headband. I used three blue piranha LEDs and wired them with conductive thread and Lilypad components. This particular headband didn’t have a switch. I ran out of parts and couldn’t wait for my next order to come in. So, you just need to pop the battery in and out.
Because I can’t leave well enough alone, I might rewire it with either a brand new Lilypad battery holder with a switch or just hook up a switch into the circuit. It depends on how much work as involved with either solution.
My other project, my glammed up $10 Target hat, will remain as it is. I have to pop the battery out of this one too. However, this hat has a handy dandy tiny pocket on the other side which holds a coin cell battery. How perfect is that!
On a side note, we’re also getting ready for the Steampunk World’s Fair in Piscataway, New Jersey on May 16 – 18th. This will be my second time at the Fair with my family.
I had lofty ambitions of making a cool Ciel Phantomhive costume for my son and a Slytherin inspired gown for my daughter but the boy will have to wear his costume from last year. He isn’t picky yet so it’s all good. I’ll have to work on it for next year.
I can’t get away with doing that with my daughter. I had already promised her. It’s in the initial stages right now. The base gown was ordered from Amazon and now to antique it as well as hopefully a very cool prop to go with the dress. Stay tuned.
If you are interested in finding out more information about The Steampunk World’s Fair, check out their website at http://steampunkworldsfair.com/. Activities and workshops continually being updated.
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